AWS DevOps Professional Journey - Day 1


I prematurely indicated my intension of starting my AWS DevOps Professional Certification journey awhile back, as nudged by Quincy from

Unfortunately nightly fatigue, overflowing to-do items, and excuses always prevented me starting.

Waiting to “feel like it” is a horrible game plan.

It’s going to be a long journey and decide to use this blog as my accountability as I pluck away, lunch hours, every night, and some mornings on them magic no gym rest days.

Day 1 (take 2) Activities

  • Udemy Course started to watch the intro and some setup
  • changed zsh theme to “Agnoster”; this led to a long segway resolving wacky fonts
  • refreshed some AWS credentials
  • created and pushed first repo to CodeCommit (well for this course, there was some actually very old repos from previous tutorials perhaps a year or two ago 🤷‍♂️)


  • Master AWS Billing again and set learning budget