AWS Certification Journey

Well I did not pass my AWS Developer Associate 2018 certification test last month.

This was a combination of waiting until the last two weeks to dial up my studying and then the usual timely curve balls from life (including a false alarm ER visit for our toddler the night before the exam - thankfully as was well:).

To be frank, had I passed the exam I would have felt I cheated the system because there is still several knowledge gaps in AWS I’m not familiar with. Since I was studying literally to the last minute before my exam there were several S3 sections I did not cover (wrongly assuming I had a superior grasp of how S3 worked), and thus paid dearly for this erroneous assumption.

paulywill aws transcript

The practice exams, the official ones offered from Amazon’s partners, turned out to poison my thinking with some confirmation bias that I was ready for the actual exam.

  • Practice exam before actual exam: PASS
  • Actual exam: FAIL
  • Practice exam after actual exam: PASS

I have passed two practice exams, and failed the one certification exam. Thus the clock starts again.

I am currently going through:

EDIT: Received my CDA in September 2018. Doing practice tests in the Udemy link above proved to be very helpful as the same questions did appear on the real exam and tight feedback loop and practicing ingrained in the intel in deep.